Taking Great Care of My Factory

Taking Great Care of My Factory

3 Common Problems to Watch for in Your Check Valves

Deann Hunter

The check valves found in your industrial equipment play an important role in helping to prevent fluid from flowing back into the engine and causing significant damage. A faulty check valve that goes unnoticed could be costly, so being able to identify common problems associated with check valves can be beneficial.

Here are three common problems you should constantly be looking for when operating equipment that relies on a check valve to regulate the flow of fluid through the machine's engine bay.

1. Failing pins and springs.

Check valves come equipped with pins and springs that play a vital role in the opening and closing of the valve's flange as fluid flows through the valve and on to downstream components. If you are using a piece of equipment regularly throughout the day, the valve may be opened and closed many times.

This constant opening and closing can eventually cause the pins and springs to wear out. If you begin to hear a noise that resembles liquid slamming against a solid surface, it may be time to replace your check valve to prevent future damage.

2. Faulty rubber seals.

Rubber seals are used to provide an airtight seam between your check valve and both the upstream and downstream components within your equipment's engine bay. Since these seals are made from rubber, they can begin to crack and fail over time.

A faulty seal could result in a serious loss of fluid pressure, resulting in significant damage to your equipment's engine. If you notice hydraulic fluid or other liquids leaking from the area where your machine's check valve is located, replacing the rubber seals could remedy your problem before permanent damage occurs.

3. Component wear and damage.

If you notice that some of the parts downstream from your machine's check valve are showing signs of wear or damage, a faulty check valve could be to blame. It's not uncommon for workers to replace a faulty check valve with a new one that is not equipped to handle the flow rate of the liquid running through a machine's engine bay.

Improperly sized check valves don't have the ability to accurately maintain proper fluid ratios, which could cause your downstream parts to begin breaking down prematurely. Replacing a faulty check valve with one that is the right size for your machine will help prevent this type of damage in the future.

Understanding some of the problems commonly associated with check valves will help you ensure that you don't let a faulty valve cost your company money in the form of unnecessary machine repairs in the future. For more information or assistance, contact services like Monumental Supply Company.


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Taking Great Care of My Factory

After spending a few years getting my business off the ground, I knew that I had to do something to make things right in our manufacturing department. It seemed like we were never able to keep up with demand, and I could tell that we needed to sort out some safety issues. As a team, we started working together to overcome our challenges, and it made a tremendous difference. I was really impressed with how much everyone was able to come together, and it really helped us to create a more profitable company. Check out this blog for more information.
