Taking Great Care of My Factory

Taking Great Care of My Factory

A Few Things To Check Before Calling A Boiler Repair Technician

Deann Hunter

Unfortunately, at some point, your boiler is going to need to be repaired. Even if you perform maintenance on it and have it serviced regularly. Sometimes, the problem is something you can take care of easily by yourself. Here are a few things you need to check before calling a boiler repair technician so you do not end up wasting time and money unnecessarily.


Even if you have electricity everywhere else, it is possible that the breaker for the boiler was tripped. The simplest way to check this is to go to the breaker box and flick the breaker off and back on quickly. If you hear the system turn on, the problem is solved. If it doesn't turn on, proceed with the next tips.

Gas or Oil

During cold months or times of high usage,  you may run out of gas or oil sooner than normal. Go out to the tank and check the gauge. You can also use a dipstick to check the oil level in the tank if you want to be sure the gauge is working properly. If the tank is empty, contact your fuel company and get an emergency delivery.

Frozen Lines

It is possible to have any outside lines freeze and prevent the fuel from getting to the unit. If the temperature has been below freezing take a big pot of hot water outside and pour it over the lines. You may need to do this a few times before things get flowing again. Once you have things running again, buy some pipe insulation and wrap everything good to prevent it from happening again.

Pressure Gauge

Get a good look at the pressure gauge. If the pressure is not reading between 1.0 and 1.5 there could be air trapped in the lines. Go to each of the radiators and turn the vent key. Be sure that the radiator is cold and you have a heavy towel to cover the vent before turning the key to prevent getting burned or creating a mess. Once water starts flowing freely, with no sputters, shut the valve and move to the next radiator. After clearing all the lines, the pressure gauge should have the right reading again.

If you are not sure of how to do one of the above, or these are not the problem, contact a professional boiler technician, such as from Schweitzer Roger & Sons, to come to find the problem. Luckily, all the above can be done rather quickly so you won't have to be without heat for the whole day.


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Taking Great Care of My Factory

After spending a few years getting my business off the ground, I knew that I had to do something to make things right in our manufacturing department. It seemed like we were never able to keep up with demand, and I could tell that we needed to sort out some safety issues. As a team, we started working together to overcome our challenges, and it made a tremendous difference. I was really impressed with how much everyone was able to come together, and it really helped us to create a more profitable company. Check out this blog for more information.
